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Wineke Smid (PhD) is a senior researcher at Forensic Care Specialists in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Her work focuses on the topic of sex offenders and sexual offending behaviour.

She divides her time between conducting and supervising empirical research projects, carrying out individual (risk) assessments of (tbs) patients and providing feedback of state of the art knowledge to various stakeholders in Dutch society.

Wineke Smid conducted a national study on Sex Offender Risk Assessment in the Netherlands and is currently involved in a number of research projects focussing on the assessment and treatment of specific dynamic risk factors for sex offenders (sexual deviance, sexual preoccupation, hostility towards women). She provides presentations and (risk assessment) training to police officers, prosecutors, judges, treatment providers and probation officers. She is the current president of NL-ATSA.


More info on Wineke Smid




Jan Willem van den Berg is psychotherapeut/gezondheidszorgpsycholoog/cognitief gedragstherapeut VGCt® op de afdeling psychotherapie van de Van der Hoeven Kliniek. Hij is gespecialiseerd in de behandeling en risicotaxatie van zedendelinquenten. Over dit onderwerp geeft hij lezingen, trainingen en publiceert hij in wetenschappelijke tijdschriften. Met collega’s vertaalde en implementeerde hij de Stable-2007, een instrument dat de dynamische risicofactoren van zedendelinquenten in kaart brengt. Zijn lopende promotie onderzoek richt zich op de behandeling van dynamische risicofactoren bij zedendelinquenten. Jan Willem van de Berg is lid van de Amerikaanse Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) en lid van ATSA’s internationale public policy comité.

Behandeling van zedendelinquenten ziet Jan Willem als het middel om seksuele recidive – en dus slachtoffers – te voorkomen. Zijn mening: verminder de kans op (seksuele) recidive bij zoveel mogelijk plegers door zo kort en efficiënt mogelijk te behandelen. Laat hierbij het recidive risico bepalend zijn in de hoeveelheid behandeling die aangeboden wordt.


More info on Jan Willem van de Berg





William L. Marshall is an emeritus professor of psychology and psychiatry at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada, and past Director of Rockwood Psychological Services. Bill has provided treatment and research with sex offenders for over 45 years and is the author of over 400 publiications including 21 books. He has received numerous awards the most significant of which was his appointment in 2006 as an Officer of the Order of Canada which is the highest honor a Canadian citizen can receive.


More info on William L. Marshall




Liam E. Marshall, Ph.D., has been providing treatment and conducting research on sexual and other offenders for two decades. He has many publications, including four books, and has made numerous international conference presentations on offender and mental health issues. He has delivered trainings for therapists who work with sexual and violent offenders in 17 countries worldwide. Liam is a board member and reviewer for a number of international journals. He is currently a consultant and trainer with Rockwood Psychological Services and a Researcher and Clinician at Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care.


More info on Liam E. Marshall. 


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